
A silver pin with a red artificial flower is attached to her short coat. The batik tubular skirt (sarung) shows the motif called 'semen' (budding leaves and foliage) and ‘lar’ (wings of the mythical bird Garuda). The two dolls were contributed by Mmes. Peerenboom Voller, Radhen Ajoe Toemenggoeng, Aria Sastra Adiningrat, Van Heeckeren and Kuipers from the residency of Krawang (West Java).


A silver pin with a red artificial flower is attached to her short coat. The batik tubular skirt (sarung) shows the motif called 'semen' (budding leaves and foliage) and ‘lar’ (wings of the mythical bird Garuda). The two dolls were contributed by Mmes. Peerenboom Voller, Radhen Ajoe Toemenggoeng, Aria Sastra Adiningrat, Van Heeckeren and Kuipers from the residency of Krawang (West Java).