
At the end of the 19th century, Sufis in Iran were simply dressed and wore a high headdress. The majority of the itinerant Sufis led a poor life and supported themselves by begging for money and goods in exchange for their stories and knowledge. The mystical life was practiced in communities and since the 12th and 13th century in so-called Sufi orders. The pupil often visited several masters in order to follow lessons concerning the mystical path. Slowly the master also became responsible for the pupil’s personal education. At the conclusion of the training the student received a degree and a robe made of rags. The attire of the Dervish often included a prayer rug, a prayer chain and a begging bowl. This begging bowl is made of a Seychelles Nut, the fruit of a palm tree.


At the end of the 19th century, Sufis in Iran were simply dressed and wore a high headdress. The majority of the itinerant Sufis led a poor life and supported themselves by begging for money and goods in exchange for their stories and knowledge. The mystical life was practiced in communities and since the 12th and 13th century in so-called Sufi orders. The pupil often visited several masters in order to follow lessons concerning the mystical path. Slowly the master also became responsible for the pupil’s personal education. At the conclusion of the training the student received a degree and a robe made of rags. The attire of the Dervish often included a prayer rug, a prayer chain and a begging bowl. This begging bowl is made of a Seychelles Nut, the fruit of a palm tree.