
A whole Ovula ovum shell was used as adornment for the penis during dance ceremonies and other feasts. The inner whorl was taken out. The outside of the shell is polished and shaded, incised patterns can be seen. They have been coloured black with soot or soil. <BR> The tip of the penis is put into the mouth of the shell. <BR> It is not a protection for the penis, but rather a male adornment, which is worn at dances which are held when a new men's hut is built, a funeral is held or a trading relation is celebrated. The dances are energetic and stress a phallic aestheticism. The penis shell is especially associated with war dances and war adornment. <BR>


A whole Ovula ovum shell was used as adornment for the penis during dance ceremonies and other feasts. The inner whorl was taken out. The outside of the shell is polished and shaded, incised patterns can be seen. They have been coloured black with soot or soil. <BR> The tip of the penis is put into the mouth of the shell. <BR> It is not a protection for the penis, but rather a male adornment, which is worn at dances which are held when a new men's hut is built, a funeral is held or a trading relation is celebrated. The dances are energetic and stress a phallic aestheticism. The penis shell is especially associated with war dances and war adornment. <BR>