Gevlochten gordel

The belt is plaited with dark brown and yellow plant (mostly orchid stem) fibres, which are entwined around a leaf rib or whole leaf. First the brown fibres are plaited and then embroidered on the surface with a yellow fibre in the last step of manufacturing.<BR> It is worn by both women and men around the hip or pelvis above clothes or other simpler belts at a festive occasion. <BR> The production is the job of only women. These kind of belts are characteristic for the Admiralty Islands. The bright yellow colours and their contrast to the dark fibres makes them so popular, especially for women. The patterns are very elaborate and the manufacturing time-consuming, therefore they are prestigious. The belts are even more rare than the arm bands and therefore more prestigious. Men find the belts attractive on women. <BR> The pattern of a belt is divided into several smaller patterns, which all have names that refer to animals, plants or parts of the human body. All patterns belong to a special kin group and only members of this group are allowed to use the pattern. Geometrical patterns are dominant in the decoration of belts, because they express the key values of symmetry, balance, exchange and reciprocity.

Gevlochten gordel

The belt is plaited with dark brown and yellow plant (mostly orchid stem) fibres, which are entwined around a leaf rib or whole leaf. First the brown fibres are plaited and then embroidered on the surface with a yellow fibre in the last step of manufacturing.<BR> It is worn by both women and men around the hip or pelvis above clothes or other simpler belts at a festive occasion. <BR> The production is the job of only women. These kind of belts are characteristic for the Admiralty Islands. The bright yellow colours and their contrast to the dark fibres makes them so popular, especially for women. The patterns are very elaborate and the manufacturing time-consuming, therefore they are prestigious. The belts are even more rare than the arm bands and therefore more prestigious. Men find the belts attractive on women. <BR> The pattern of a belt is divided into several smaller patterns, which all have names that refer to animals, plants or parts of the human body. All patterns belong to a special kin group and only members of this group are allowed to use the pattern. Geometrical patterns are dominant in the decoration of belts, because they express the key values of symmetry, balance, exchange and reciprocity.