
Maatstok van gelakt hout voor het meten van textiel. Voorzien van decoraties in lakschilderingen, voorstellende florale motieven.<BR> <BR> This wooden ruler is a tool for measuring and drawing lines when making clothes. It was called p'obaekchuk or ch'imchuk. One pobaekchuk is equivalent to about 46cm in metric measures. <BR> A proverb goes "If you break a ruler by accident, bad luck will be with you for three years". This expression shows how closely this tool was used in everyday life. In a small tool for measurements, a prevailing principle judging good or bad behaviors can be traced.


Maatstok van gelakt hout voor het meten van textiel. Voorzien van decoraties in lakschilderingen, voorstellende florale motieven.<BR> <BR> This wooden ruler is a tool for measuring and drawing lines when making clothes. It was called p'obaekchuk or ch'imchuk. One pobaekchuk is equivalent to about 46cm in metric measures. <BR> A proverb goes "If you break a ruler by accident, bad luck will be with you for three years". This expression shows how closely this tool was used in everyday life. In a small tool for measurements, a prevailing principle judging good or bad behaviors can be traced.