Kalkhouder gemaakt van kalebas

This gourd is made from a special longish pumpkin. It is probably planted only for the production of gourds. This pumpkin is constricted in the middle with a strip of cotton while growing, so that it is shaped like an hourglass. It is hollowed out and a small opening is put into it where the stem was. The outside is decorated with lines and pattern, which are burnt into the surface. This is the work of the men, who took a glowing stick to do it. <BR> Several patterns can be identified, although it is not clear what they mean or whether they are unique to certain clans. Some gourds have a black or patterned belt at the constriction. Above and below the belt are mostly symmetrical patterns and lines. This one has no belt, the lines cross at the constriction. <BR> All of the gourds are used to store and transport lime, which is used for the consummation of betel. They are put into bags or carried under the arm. There is always a spatula that is used with a gourd. <BR> The gourds can also serve as part of the bride price. <BR> When a relative visits from far away, he is welcomed with a gourd which is put under his arm. With this, he is invited to chew betel with the host. He is henceforth a protected guest in the house. <BR> The betel chewing is an important, everyday activity. Women, men and even children do it while sitting together talking or on almost all other occasions. The consummation can be compared to the smoking of cigarettes in Western societies. It has been practised for a long time. An unripe areca or commonly known betel nut is chewed together with a leaf from the betel pepper. Then the lime, which is made by burning coral or shells, is added to the mixture in the mouth. The lime dissolves the alkaloids in the betel nut which have a stimulating effect, as much as they relieve fatigue and hunger. The mixture is not swallowed.<BR> The betel colours the saliva and the teeth bright red. It is said to preserve the teeth from decay, but it also causes the gum to recede so that the teeth fall out. Old people which have no teeth grind the mixture in a mortar. <BR>

Kalkhouder gemaakt van kalebas

This gourd is made from a special longish pumpkin. It is probably planted only for the production of gourds. This pumpkin is constricted in the middle with a strip of cotton while growing, so that it is shaped like an hourglass. It is hollowed out and a small opening is put into it where the stem was. The outside is decorated with lines and pattern, which are burnt into the surface. This is the work of the men, who took a glowing stick to do it. <BR> Several patterns can be identified, although it is not clear what they mean or whether they are unique to certain clans. Some gourds have a black or patterned belt at the constriction. Above and below the belt are mostly symmetrical patterns and lines. This one has no belt, the lines cross at the constriction. <BR> All of the gourds are used to store and transport lime, which is used for the consummation of betel. They are put into bags or carried under the arm. There is always a spatula that is used with a gourd. <BR> The gourds can also serve as part of the bride price. <BR> When a relative visits from far away, he is welcomed with a gourd which is put under his arm. With this, he is invited to chew betel with the host. He is henceforth a protected guest in the house. <BR> The betel chewing is an important, everyday activity. Women, men and even children do it while sitting together talking or on almost all other occasions. The consummation can be compared to the smoking of cigarettes in Western societies. It has been practised for a long time. An unripe areca or commonly known betel nut is chewed together with a leaf from the betel pepper. Then the lime, which is made by burning coral or shells, is added to the mixture in the mouth. The lime dissolves the alkaloids in the betel nut which have a stimulating effect, as much as they relieve fatigue and hunger. The mixture is not swallowed.<BR> The betel colours the saliva and the teeth bright red. It is said to preserve the teeth from decay, but it also causes the gum to recede so that the teeth fall out. Old people which have no teeth grind the mixture in a mortar. <BR>