Silver button

During the period 1850-1860 Navajo learned from Spanish and American metalsmiths how to make objects of iron and copper. In 1863 Navajo were beaten by the American army and deported to Bosque Redondo in New Mexico. There they developed their metal-working skills still further. In 1868 they were given permission to return to their homeland, where a reservation was assigned on the Colorado Plateau. They had to look for new means of living. A number of Navajo applied to silversmith's work. They used several techniques, including cutting, engraving, hammering, stamping and casting. The making of silver jewellery provided Native American artists with a great many opportunities for self-expression. Their shapes and decorations were partly inspired by Spanish and Mexican examples, and the Plains Indians inspired some of the motifs they used.

Silver button

During the period 1850-1860 Navajo learned from Spanish and American metalsmiths how to make objects of iron and copper. In 1863 Navajo were beaten by the American army and deported to Bosque Redondo in New Mexico. There they developed their metal-working skills still further. In 1868 they were given permission to return to their homeland, where a reservation was assigned on the Colorado Plateau. They had to look for new means of living. A number of Navajo applied to silversmith's work. They used several techniques, including cutting, engraving, hammering, stamping and casting. The making of silver jewellery provided Native American artists with a great many opportunities for self-expression. Their shapes and decorations were partly inspired by Spanish and Mexican examples, and the Plains Indians inspired some of the motifs they used.