Cassava press

Basketry is men's work. In particular utensils such as baskets, sieves, and presses are woven. Usually warimbo is used, a herbaceous plant with broad, oval leaves. From the stem, which can grow meters long, the Indians cut thin strips. To create a decorative effect, strips of warimbo are partly dyed black or red before weaving. Much attention is paid to the patterns. Each pattern has a name.

Cassava press

Basketry is men's work. In particular utensils such as baskets, sieves, and presses are woven. Usually warimbo is used, a herbaceous plant with broad, oval leaves. From the stem, which can grow meters long, the Indians cut thin strips. To create a decorative effect, strips of warimbo are partly dyed black or red before weaving. Much attention is paid to the patterns. Each pattern has a name.