
GASEN <BR> Compiler: Hayashi Moriatsu Roken ????? (-1775) Place of publication: Osaka Publisher: Kawachiya Kichibei ?????? Date of publication: Kyoho 6 (1721) Collation: 5 vol.; complete: 6 kan, 1 kan mokuroku ??; 183×255. Vol.1: 25 sheets, numb.: 1-2, preface, dated: Shotoku 2 (1712); signed: Hayashi Moriatsu; 1 sheet preface, dated: Kyoho 6 (1721); signed: Hirazumi Senan ???? (Hirazumi Senan ??) (act. early 18th century); 1 sheet introd.; 1 sheet tab. of cont.; 1-20, kan 1. Painting manual. Vol.2: 31 sheets: 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-29, kan 2. Vol.3: 23 sheets: 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-21, kan 3. Vol.4: 22 sheets: 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-20 (1 sheet: 12-13), kan 4. Vol.5: 40 sheets: 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-20, kan 5; 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-16, kan 6. Title page, inside front cover vol.1: compiler: Roken Hayashi Moriatsu; title: Gasen; publisher: Osaka, not named. Hashira-title: Gasen Colophon, inside back cover vol.5: date: Kyoho 6 (1721); compiler: Roken Hayashi Moriatsu; publishers: Osaka, Kawachiya Kichibei; Edo, Suwaraya Mohei ??????; Osaka, Tsurugaya Kyubei ??????; Osaka, Kashiwaraya Seiemon ??????? and Osaka, Kawachiya Kibei ??????.


GASEN <BR> Compiler: Hayashi Moriatsu Roken ????? (-1775) Place of publication: Osaka Publisher: Kawachiya Kichibei ?????? Date of publication: Kyoho 6 (1721) Collation: 5 vol.; complete: 6 kan, 1 kan mokuroku ??; 183×255. Vol.1: 25 sheets, numb.: 1-2, preface, dated: Shotoku 2 (1712); signed: Hayashi Moriatsu; 1 sheet preface, dated: Kyoho 6 (1721); signed: Hirazumi Senan ???? (Hirazumi Senan ??) (act. early 18th century); 1 sheet introd.; 1 sheet tab. of cont.; 1-20, kan 1. Painting manual. Vol.2: 31 sheets: 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-29, kan 2. Vol.3: 23 sheets: 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-21, kan 3. Vol.4: 22 sheets: 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-20 (1 sheet: 12-13), kan 4. Vol.5: 40 sheets: 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-20, kan 5; 1-2, tab. of cont.; 1-16, kan 6. Title page, inside front cover vol.1: compiler: Roken Hayashi Moriatsu; title: Gasen; publisher: Osaka, not named. Hashira-title: Gasen Colophon, inside back cover vol.5: date: Kyoho 6 (1721); compiler: Roken Hayashi Moriatsu; publishers: Osaka, Kawachiya Kichibei; Edo, Suwaraya Mohei ??????; Osaka, Tsurugaya Kyubei ??????; Osaka, Kashiwaraya Seiemon ??????? and Osaka, Kawachiya Kibei ??????.