
Kompas van hout en ingesneden gelakt been met onderverdeling in windrichtingen en dierenriemtekens. Het noorden komt overeen met de rat, het oosten met de haas, het zuiden met het paard en het westen met de haan.<BR> <BR> A simple compass, funajishaku, that would mostly be used on ships – as the roadmaps would make such a device unnecessary. It uses the twelve zodiacal signs to indicate the cardinal points, as follows: the Rat is identified with the North, the Hare with the East, the Horse with the South, and the Cock with the West. In between the Rat and the Hare come the Ox and the Tiger, with the Northeast in between them. Similarly, the Dragon and the Snake in between the Hare and the Horse, denote the Southeast, the Goat and the Monkey in between the Horse and the Cock stand for the Southwest, and the Dog and the Boar in between the Cock and the Rat, the Northwest.


Kompas van hout en ingesneden gelakt been met onderverdeling in windrichtingen en dierenriemtekens. Het noorden komt overeen met de rat, het oosten met de haas, het zuiden met het paard en het westen met de haan.<BR> <BR> A simple compass, funajishaku, that would mostly be used on ships – as the roadmaps would make such a device unnecessary. It uses the twelve zodiacal signs to indicate the cardinal points, as follows: the Rat is identified with the North, the Hare with the East, the Horse with the South, and the Cock with the West. In between the Rat and the Hare come the Ox and the Tiger, with the Northeast in between them. Similarly, the Dragon and the Snake in between the Hare and the Horse, denote the Southeast, the Goat and the Monkey in between the Horse and the Cock stand for the Southwest, and the Dog and the Boar in between the Cock and the Rat, the Northwest.