
Halssieraad, walimo (Dani language)<BR> <BR> Shell neck ornaments are finery that can be worn be men or women. Women, however, must borrow them, and other finery such as pluim (WM-50908), from spouses or brothers, for special events, as they do not possess their own decorations. The etai, or victory celebration was one of the few traditional occasions in which both sexes participated and was an opportunity for young people to dress to impress. -E. Lilje<BR> <BR> Broekhuijse, J. Th. De Wiligiman Dani, een cultureel antropologische studie over religie en oorlogsvoering in de Baliem vallei (1967)


Halssieraad, walimo (Dani language)<BR> <BR> Shell neck ornaments are finery that can be worn be men or women. Women, however, must borrow them, and other finery such as pluim (WM-50908), from spouses or brothers, for special events, as they do not possess their own decorations. The etai, or victory celebration was one of the few traditional occasions in which both sexes participated and was an opportunity for young people to dress to impress. -E. Lilje<BR> <BR> Broekhuijse, J. Th. De Wiligiman Dani, een cultureel antropologische studie over religie en oorlogsvoering in de Baliem vallei (1967)