portret (textiel)

This textile portrait is made of damask, and depicts Karl Marx (05.05.1818 – 14.03.1883). He is the primary founder of Marxism, which is the foundational ideology (together with Leninism) of Chinese Communism. Together with Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin, he was regarded as the theoretical leader of the Chinese Communist Party. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> Hannah Li, April 2019

portret (textiel)

This textile portrait is made of damask, and depicts Karl Marx (05.05.1818 – 14.03.1883). He is the primary founder of Marxism, which is the foundational ideology (together with Leninism) of Chinese Communism. Together with Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin, he was regarded as the theoretical leader of the Chinese Communist Party. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> Hannah Li, April 2019