
Masker, beschilderd met strepen en driehoeken in rood en zwart. Opvallend zijn de grote flappen met de reusachtige, uit concentrische cirkels samengestelde ogen.<BR> [VO] dier & totemdier : vogel (kop)<BR> <BR> The Baining people occupy the upland tropical forest within the Gazelle Peninsula, at the northern end of New Britain. Speakers of Papuan languages, implying affiliation with the population of mainland New Guinea rather than the maritime, Austronesian culturesm they were and are renowned for the creation of arrestingly painted barkcloth masks and effigies over wooden and bamboo frames. These works were for one-off use during ceremoniesm which from time to time brought otherwise dispersed hunting and gardening peoples together. The rites concentrated on birth, male and female initiation and harvest and mortuyary ritualsm and involved both daytime and night ceremonies focused respectively on the female domain of the garden and the male domain of the wild. <BR> <BR> <BR>


Masker, beschilderd met strepen en driehoeken in rood en zwart. Opvallend zijn de grote flappen met de reusachtige, uit concentrische cirkels samengestelde ogen.<BR> [VO] dier & totemdier : vogel (kop)<BR> <BR> The Baining people occupy the upland tropical forest within the Gazelle Peninsula, at the northern end of New Britain. Speakers of Papuan languages, implying affiliation with the population of mainland New Guinea rather than the maritime, Austronesian culturesm they were and are renowned for the creation of arrestingly painted barkcloth masks and effigies over wooden and bamboo frames. These works were for one-off use during ceremoniesm which from time to time brought otherwise dispersed hunting and gardening peoples together. The rites concentrated on birth, male and female initiation and harvest and mortuyary ritualsm and involved both daytime and night ceremonies focused respectively on the female domain of the garden and the male domain of the wild. <BR> <BR> <BR>