Burung-burung di hutan

Kehidupan burung-burung di dalam hutan, ada yang bercanda, mencari makan dan beristirahat.<BR> <BR> Di bagian atas ada dua ekor burung, di tengah ada dua ekor burung lagi dan bagian bawah terdapat tiga ekor burung dan dilatar belakangnya terdapat berbagai pohon dan bunga.<BR> <BR> <BR> The lives of birds in the forest, some are joking, looking for food and resting.<BR> <BR> At the top there are two birds, in the middle there are two more birds and the bottom there are three birds and in the background there are various trees and flowers.

Burung-burung di hutan

Kehidupan burung-burung di dalam hutan, ada yang bercanda, mencari makan dan beristirahat.<BR> <BR> Di bagian atas ada dua ekor burung, di tengah ada dua ekor burung lagi dan bagian bawah terdapat tiga ekor burung dan dilatar belakangnya terdapat berbagai pohon dan bunga.<BR> <BR> <BR> The lives of birds in the forest, some are joking, looking for food and resting.<BR> <BR> At the top there are two birds, in the middle there are two more birds and the bottom there are three birds and in the background there are various trees and flowers.