Sorga Neraka dengan hukum karma phala

Orang-orang yang telah meninggal rohnya pergi ke sorga dan disana mereka diterima oleh Sang Suratma yang bertugas mencatat baik buruknya kelakuanya pada waktu masih hidup, kalau kelakuannya baik mereka mendapat tempat di sorga, jika perbuatannya buruk atau jahat mereka ditempatkan di Neraka dan diawasi oleh Sang Jogor Manik. (Sorga Neraka dengan Hukum Karma Phala)<BR> <BR> Di kiri atas ada Bidadari terbang membawa umbul-umbul tombak, pajeng, beserta Dharmawangsa mengendarai kuda dan pura dan di kanannya ada gunung meletus dan pura besar, di kiri bawah ada pohon bambu petung dan jembatan ugal-agil yang ditunggu oleh anak-anak dan raksasa, serta di kanannya ada pohon yang berbuah keris serta dibawahnya ada atma-atma orang yang telah meninggal. Di kanan atas ada pura dan Dewa, dikanan bawah ada Bima di dalam kawah mencari roh Ibu dan Ayahnya yang dijaga oleh Sang Jogor Manik dan Sang Suratma.<BR> <BR> <BR> The spirits of people who have died go to heaven and where they are received by the Suratma who is in charge of recording the good and bad of his behavior while still living.<BR> If their behavior was good they get a place in heaven, if their actions were bad or evil they are placed in Hell and supervised by Sang Jogor Manik. (Sorga Hell with the Law of Karma Phala)<BR> <BR> At the top left there is a flying angel carrying spear banners, pajeng, along with Dharmawangsa riding horses. On their right there is a volcano erupting and a large temple. In the lower left are petung bamboo and Portugal-agil bridges awaited by children and giants. On his right there is a tree that bears fruit of the kris and underneath there is an atma of the person who has died. At the top right there is a temple and Dewa, on the bottom right there is Bima in the crater looking for the spirit of his mother and father guarded by the Jogor Manik and Sang Suratma.

Sorga Neraka dengan hukum karma phala

Orang-orang yang telah meninggal rohnya pergi ke sorga dan disana mereka diterima oleh Sang Suratma yang bertugas mencatat baik buruknya kelakuanya pada waktu masih hidup, kalau kelakuannya baik mereka mendapat tempat di sorga, jika perbuatannya buruk atau jahat mereka ditempatkan di Neraka dan diawasi oleh Sang Jogor Manik. (Sorga Neraka dengan Hukum Karma Phala)<BR> <BR> Di kiri atas ada Bidadari terbang membawa umbul-umbul tombak, pajeng, beserta Dharmawangsa mengendarai kuda dan pura dan di kanannya ada gunung meletus dan pura besar, di kiri bawah ada pohon bambu petung dan jembatan ugal-agil yang ditunggu oleh anak-anak dan raksasa, serta di kanannya ada pohon yang berbuah keris serta dibawahnya ada atma-atma orang yang telah meninggal. Di kanan atas ada pura dan Dewa, dikanan bawah ada Bima di dalam kawah mencari roh Ibu dan Ayahnya yang dijaga oleh Sang Jogor Manik dan Sang Suratma.<BR> <BR> <BR> The spirits of people who have died go to heaven and where they are received by the Suratma who is in charge of recording the good and bad of his behavior while still living.<BR> If their behavior was good they get a place in heaven, if their actions were bad or evil they are placed in Hell and supervised by Sang Jogor Manik. (Sorga Hell with the Law of Karma Phala)<BR> <BR> At the top left there is a flying angel carrying spear banners, pajeng, along with Dharmawangsa riding horses. On their right there is a volcano erupting and a large temple. In the lower left are petung bamboo and Portugal-agil bridges awaited by children and giants. On his right there is a tree that bears fruit of the kris and underneath there is an atma of the person who has died. At the top right there is a temple and Dewa, on the bottom right there is Bima in the crater looking for the spirit of his mother and father guarded by the Jogor Manik and Sang Suratma.