Potong Padi

Para petani bila musim panen telah tiba, maka mereka beramai-ramai pergi ke sawah memotong padinya dengan bergotong-royong.<BR> <BR> Di kiri atas ada sawah dan gubuk, pohon kelapa dan di bawahnya ada pura di pohon beringin dan bale timbang serta orang-orang menanam padi dan orang membajak dengan dua sapi dan ada wanita membawa sajen. Di kiri bawah ada sanggah dan penjor, dan seorang wanita sedang mengaturkan sajen dan orang-orang sedang potong padi. Di kanan atas ada sawah dan di bawahnya ada gubuk dan orang sedang membajak, dan di kanan bawah ada orang memotong padi.<BR> <BR> <BR> When the harvest season has arrived the farmers go to the price fields to cut their rice by working together.<BR> <BR> At the top left there are rice fields and huts, coconut trees and underneath there are temples in the banyan trees and bale weighs and people plant rice and people plow with two cows and there are women carrying offerings. On the bottom left there is objection and penjor, and a woman arranging the prayer room and people cutting rice. On the top right is a rice field and underneath a hut and people plowing. On the bottom right are people cutting rice.

Potong Padi

Para petani bila musim panen telah tiba, maka mereka beramai-ramai pergi ke sawah memotong padinya dengan bergotong-royong.<BR> <BR> Di kiri atas ada sawah dan gubuk, pohon kelapa dan di bawahnya ada pura di pohon beringin dan bale timbang serta orang-orang menanam padi dan orang membajak dengan dua sapi dan ada wanita membawa sajen. Di kiri bawah ada sanggah dan penjor, dan seorang wanita sedang mengaturkan sajen dan orang-orang sedang potong padi. Di kanan atas ada sawah dan di bawahnya ada gubuk dan orang sedang membajak, dan di kanan bawah ada orang memotong padi.<BR> <BR> <BR> When the harvest season has arrived the farmers go to the price fields to cut their rice by working together.<BR> <BR> At the top left there are rice fields and huts, coconut trees and underneath there are temples in the banyan trees and bale weighs and people plant rice and people plow with two cows and there are women carrying offerings. On the bottom left there is objection and penjor, and a woman arranging the prayer room and people cutting rice. On the top right is a rice field and underneath a hut and people plowing. On the bottom right are people cutting rice.