Upacara di Pura

Ketika ada upacara di pura, masyarakat berpakaian adat Bali dengan membawa sajen ke pura, serta ada pertunjukan tari rejang.<BR> <BR> Dikiri atas ada sawah dan pohon kelapa serta dibawahnya ada rumah, penjor dan wanita membawa sajen. Di kiri bawah ada pura, candi kurung dan pohon, orang-orang duduk menonton tarian. Dibagian kanan atas ada sawah dan pohon kelapa, dibawahnya ada rumah dan penjor serta orang-orang wanita membawa sajen. Di kanan bawah ada penjor dan dua orang wanita sedang menari yang diiringi tabuh gamelan.<BR> <BR> Temple Ceremony<BR> On this elongated canvas several scenes are depicted on top of each other. A Balinese lanscape with floooded rice fields is shown at the top of the painting. In the middle, women carry offerings on ther head against the background of a Balinese village. At the bottom of the painting, a tempe porch is dpicted. In front of the temple, two female dancers are performing, accompanied by a gamelan orchestra. The three different scenes are connected by a strong rhythmic pattern of tropical vegetation: rice fields, trees and small bushes.<BR> The composition of the painting is dictated by a repetition of similare forms, cretaing a stron colourful effect.<BR>

Upacara di Pura

Ketika ada upacara di pura, masyarakat berpakaian adat Bali dengan membawa sajen ke pura, serta ada pertunjukan tari rejang.<BR> <BR> Dikiri atas ada sawah dan pohon kelapa serta dibawahnya ada rumah, penjor dan wanita membawa sajen. Di kiri bawah ada pura, candi kurung dan pohon, orang-orang duduk menonton tarian. Dibagian kanan atas ada sawah dan pohon kelapa, dibawahnya ada rumah dan penjor serta orang-orang wanita membawa sajen. Di kanan bawah ada penjor dan dua orang wanita sedang menari yang diiringi tabuh gamelan.<BR> <BR> Temple Ceremony<BR> On this elongated canvas several scenes are depicted on top of each other. A Balinese lanscape with floooded rice fields is shown at the top of the painting. In the middle, women carry offerings on ther head against the background of a Balinese village. At the bottom of the painting, a tempe porch is dpicted. In front of the temple, two female dancers are performing, accompanied by a gamelan orchestra. The three different scenes are connected by a strong rhythmic pattern of tropical vegetation: rice fields, trees and small bushes.<BR> The composition of the painting is dictated by a repetition of similare forms, cretaing a stron colourful effect.<BR>