Pendeta Dharmaswami

Pendeta Dharmaswami membebaskan kera, harimau, ular dari dalam sumur, binatang-binatang tersebut kemudian memberikan apa yang ditemukan di dalam sumur kepada pendeta Dharmaswami sebagai tanda terima kasih. (Diambil dari cerita Tantri Kamandaka)<BR> <BR> Di sebelah kiri ada kera membawa buah-buahan, harimau membawa perhiasan, dan ular. Di tengah-tengah ada sebuah pohon yang besar dan disebelah kanan ada seorang laki-laki.<BR> <BR> Priest Dharmaswami<BR> The painting depicts an episode from a fable. It shows the animals monkey, tiger and snake paying their respects to the priest Dharmaswami, who rescued them from the well. The animals then give what is found in the well to Dharmaswami as a token of gratitude. On the left there is a monkey carrying fruits, tigers carrying jewelry, and snakes. In the middle there is a big tree and on the right there is a man.<BR> <BR> The fable, taken from the story of Tantri Kamandaka, is as follows:<BR> A storm blows a tiger, a monkey, a snake and a goldsmith down a well. Luckily, a priest by the name of Dharmaswami passes byb the well and rescues them. The animalss advise the priest not tohelp the goldsmith because he isthe caise of their woes. But as a bearer of dharma (virtue), the priest saves the goldsmith too. The animals show the priest their gratitute by giving him gifts. The monkey offers him fruits. The tiger gives gold jewelry, which Dharmaswami gives to the smith. But the smith recognizes jewels belonging to a prince and reports and reports tot he king. The priest us arrested and tortured, Hearing of hus fate his animal friends come to his rescue: the tiger goes on the rampage, and the snake bites a prince who falls farvely ill. Then he appears in a divine form and says that only Dharmaswami can provide the counter-poison. Dharmaswami saves the youth. The smith and his wife are put to death for slander. Animals are thus demonstrated to be more grateful than humans.<BR> <BR>

Pendeta Dharmaswami

Pendeta Dharmaswami membebaskan kera, harimau, ular dari dalam sumur, binatang-binatang tersebut kemudian memberikan apa yang ditemukan di dalam sumur kepada pendeta Dharmaswami sebagai tanda terima kasih. (Diambil dari cerita Tantri Kamandaka)<BR> <BR> Di sebelah kiri ada kera membawa buah-buahan, harimau membawa perhiasan, dan ular. Di tengah-tengah ada sebuah pohon yang besar dan disebelah kanan ada seorang laki-laki.<BR> <BR> Priest Dharmaswami<BR> The painting depicts an episode from a fable. It shows the animals monkey, tiger and snake paying their respects to the priest Dharmaswami, who rescued them from the well. The animals then give what is found in the well to Dharmaswami as a token of gratitude. On the left there is a monkey carrying fruits, tigers carrying jewelry, and snakes. In the middle there is a big tree and on the right there is a man.<BR> <BR> The fable, taken from the story of Tantri Kamandaka, is as follows:<BR> A storm blows a tiger, a monkey, a snake and a goldsmith down a well. Luckily, a priest by the name of Dharmaswami passes byb the well and rescues them. The animalss advise the priest not tohelp the goldsmith because he isthe caise of their woes. But as a bearer of dharma (virtue), the priest saves the goldsmith too. The animals show the priest their gratitute by giving him gifts. The monkey offers him fruits. The tiger gives gold jewelry, which Dharmaswami gives to the smith. But the smith recognizes jewels belonging to a prince and reports and reports tot he king. The priest us arrested and tortured, Hearing of hus fate his animal friends come to his rescue: the tiger goes on the rampage, and the snake bites a prince who falls farvely ill. Then he appears in a divine form and says that only Dharmaswami can provide the counter-poison. Dharmaswami saves the youth. The smith and his wife are put to death for slander. Animals are thus demonstrated to be more grateful than humans.<BR> <BR>