I Belog menjadi raja

Ada seorang bodoh tetapi jujur, dengan kejujurannya serta bantuan seekor burung Garuda, ia mampu menjadi seorang raja. (Diambil dari cerita I Belog)<BR> <BR> Dipojok kiri atas ada pasar, disebelah kanannya ada perang dan dikanan atas ada kuda. Di tengah ada sungai. Ada orang naik perahu, disebelah kanannya ada orang menunggang kuda. Dipojok kiri bawah ada garuda dengan seorang laki-laki dan disebelah kanannya ada seorang laki-laki memandikan sapi dan dipojok kanan bawah ada orang membajak sawah dengan dua ekor sapi.<BR> <BR> The Idiot Belog who became King (Taken from the story of I Belog Dipojok).<BR> There is a fool but honest man, who with his honesty and the help of a Garuda bird, is able to become king. <BR> The canvas is divided in two by a serpentine river, which defines the rhythm of the story as it does the painting. The upper left belongs to peace and order: three perahus (boats) are aligned on the river shore, with a market scene immediately above them. A man is fishing midstream. In the centre a peddler carrying goods on his shoulder and another bathing his cow. The elements of the narrative proper are a Garuda bird tot he lower left, a man riding a horse in the river in the middle right and a battle in the upper right.<BR> <BR> <BR>

I Belog menjadi raja

Ada seorang bodoh tetapi jujur, dengan kejujurannya serta bantuan seekor burung Garuda, ia mampu menjadi seorang raja. (Diambil dari cerita I Belog)<BR> <BR> Dipojok kiri atas ada pasar, disebelah kanannya ada perang dan dikanan atas ada kuda. Di tengah ada sungai. Ada orang naik perahu, disebelah kanannya ada orang menunggang kuda. Dipojok kiri bawah ada garuda dengan seorang laki-laki dan disebelah kanannya ada seorang laki-laki memandikan sapi dan dipojok kanan bawah ada orang membajak sawah dengan dua ekor sapi.<BR> <BR> The Idiot Belog who became King (Taken from the story of I Belog Dipojok).<BR> There is a fool but honest man, who with his honesty and the help of a Garuda bird, is able to become king. <BR> The canvas is divided in two by a serpentine river, which defines the rhythm of the story as it does the painting. The upper left belongs to peace and order: three perahus (boats) are aligned on the river shore, with a market scene immediately above them. A man is fishing midstream. In the centre a peddler carrying goods on his shoulder and another bathing his cow. The elements of the narrative proper are a Garuda bird tot he lower left, a man riding a horse in the river in the middle right and a battle in the upper right.<BR> <BR> <BR>