
Insulting or discriminating remarks, innuendos, or names intended to demoralize a person, which are usually based on that person's belonging to a particular social group. Typically, for a term to be considered a slur, it must be derogatory towards a particular person or group, it must be used to subordinate them within some structure of power relations, and the derogated person or group must be defined by an intrinsic property (such as race, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.). This category includes terms considered slurs at any point in their usage. Therefore, some of these terms may no longer be considered necessarily derogatory, may be in common usage, or may be selectively reclaimed by certain groups


Insulting or discriminating remarks, innuendos, or names intended to demoralize a person, which are usually based on that person's belonging to a particular social group. Typically, for a term to be considered a slur, it must be derogatory towards a particular person or group, it must be used to subordinate them within some structure of power relations, and the derogated person or group must be defined by an intrinsic property (such as race, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.). This category includes terms considered slurs at any point in their usage. Therefore, some of these terms may no longer be considered necessarily derogatory, may be in common usage, or may be selectively reclaimed by certain groups