International organisation and integration : a collection of the texts of documents relating to the United Nations, its related agencies and regional international organisations : with annotations / ed. in chief H.F. van Panhuys, L.J. Brinkhorst, H.H. Maas ; co-ordinating ed. M. van Leeuwen Boomkamp ; with a forew. by Philip C. Jessup ; [comment. transl. and rev. by G.M. Wittenberg]

International organisation and integration : a collection of the texts of documents relating to the United Nations, its related agencies and regional international organisations : with annotations / ed. in chief H.F. van Panhuys, L.J. Brinkhorst, H.H. Maas ; co-ordinating ed. M. van Leeuwen Boomkamp ; with a forew. by Philip C. Jessup ; [comment. transl. and rev. by G.M. Wittenberg]