Measuring, modelling and evaluating computer systems : proceedings of the third International symposium / sponsored by Iria-Laboria, IFIP working group 7.3, the Commission of the European communities ; and organised by GMD, Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Western Germany, October 3-5, 1977 ; ed. by H. Beilner and E. Gelenbe ; [forew. by F. Krückeberg]

Measuring, modelling and evaluating computer systems : proceedings of the third International symposium / sponsored by Iria-Laboria, IFIP working group 7.3, the Commission of the European communities ; and organised by GMD, Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Western Germany, October 3-5, 1977 ; ed. by H. Beilner and E. Gelenbe ; [forew. by F. Krückeberg]