An abridgement of all sea-lawes : gathered forth of all vvritings and monuments, which are to be found among any people or nation, vpon the coasts of the great ocean and Mediterranean Sea: and specially ordered and disposed for the vse and benefit of all beneuolent sea-farers, within His Maiesties dominions of Great Britanne, Ireland, and the adiacent isles therof / by William Welvvod

An abridgement of all sea-lawes : gathered forth of all vvritings and monuments, which are to be found among any people or nation, vpon the coasts of the great ocean and Mediterranean Sea: and specially ordered and disposed for the vse and benefit of all beneuolent sea-farers, within His Maiesties dominions of Great Britanne, Ireland, and the adiacent isles therof / by William Welvvod