Blurring boundaries: towards a medical history of the twentieth century / [with contributions of] Frank Huisman, Joris Vandendriessche, Kaat Wils, Nele Beyens, Timo Bolt, Liesbet Nys, Sokhieng Au, Floor Haalboom, Gemma Blok, Hieke Huistra, Benoît Majerus

Blurring boundaries: towards a medical history of the twentieth century / [with contributions of] Frank Huisman, Joris Vandendriessche, Kaat Wils, Nele Beyens, Timo Bolt, Liesbet Nys, Sokhieng Au, Floor Haalboom, Gemma Blok, Hieke Huistra, Benoît Majerus