Jamʿīyat al-Duwal al-Aṭrāf fī Niẓām Rūmā al-Asāsī lil-Maḥkamah al-Jināʾīyah al-Duwalīyah wa-Amānat al-Kūmunwilth : Ijtimāʿ al-Kūmunwilth bi-shaʾn al-Maḥkamah al-Jināʾīyah al-Duwalīyah, Mārlbūrū Hāws, Lundun, 5-7 tishrīn al-awwal/uktūbir 2010 = Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Commonwealth Secretariat : Commonwealth Meeting on the International Criminal Court, Marlborough House, London, 5-7 October 2010 / edited and produced by the Secretariat of the Assembly of States Parties in cooperation with the Commonwealth Secretariat

Jamʿīyat al-Duwal al-Aṭrāf fī Niẓām Rūmā al-Asāsī lil-Maḥkamah al-Jināʾīyah al-Duwalīyah wa-Amānat al-Kūmunwilth : Ijtimāʿ al-Kūmunwilth bi-shaʾn al-Maḥkamah al-Jināʾīyah al-Duwalīyah, Mārlbūrū Hāws, Lundun, 5-7 tishrīn al-awwal/uktūbir 2010 = Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Commonwealth Secretariat : Commonwealth Meeting on the International Criminal Court, Marlborough House, London, 5-7 October 2010 / edited and produced by the Secretariat of the Assembly of States Parties in cooperation with the Commonwealth Secretariat