Voices and visions : the Koopman collection and the art of the French book / Paul van Capelleveen, Sophie Ham, Jordy Joubij ; comp. by Clemens de Wolf & Paul van Capelleveen ; [with contributions by Han van Berkel ... et al. ; transl. from the Dutch by Dan Hassler-Forest ; photogr. Koninklijke Bibliotheek ... et al.]

Voices and visions : the Koopman collection and the art of the French book / Paul van Capelleveen, Sophie Ham, Jordy Joubij ; comp. by Clemens de Wolf & Paul van Capelleveen ; [with contributions by Han van Berkel ... et al. ; transl. from the Dutch by Dan Hassler-Forest ; photogr. Koninklijke Bibliotheek ... et al.]