Tvvo epistles vnto great men of Britanie, in the yeare 1599 : Requesting them to put their neckes unto the work of theyr Lord: to break the bread of the soule unto the hungry Iewes, by theyr writinges, or by theyr charges, through such as be ready to declare all that theyr necessity doth require. Printed now the second time, in the yeare synce the creation of the world 5532. Or yeare of the Lord 1606. Translated by the auctour for the use of such as would & should know what in this cause ought to be performed

Tvvo epistles vnto great men of Britanie, in the yeare 1599 : Requesting them to put their neckes unto the work of theyr Lord: to break the bread of the soule unto the hungry Iewes, by theyr writinges, or by theyr charges, through such as be ready to declare all that theyr necessity doth require. Printed now the second time, in the yeare synce the creation of the world 5532. Or yeare of the Lord 1606. Translated by the auctour for the use of such as would & should know what in this cause ought to be performed