Two very lamentable relations : the one, the grieuances for religion, of those of Stiria, Carinthia, and Crayne, vnder Ferdinand then Duke of Gratz, now Emperour. The other, the now present most humble supplication, of certayne of the states of lower Austria, vnto the said Emperour. Wherein is shewed the most terrible, inhumane, and barbarian tyrannies, committed by the Emperours souldiers, specially the Casockes and Wallons, in the said countrie. Done out of the Dutch, and printed

Two very lamentable relations : the one, the grieuances for religion, of those of Stiria, Carinthia, and Crayne, vnder Ferdinand then Duke of Gratz, now Emperour. The other, the now present most humble supplication, of certayne of the states of lower Austria, vnto the said Emperour. Wherein is shewed the most terrible, inhumane, and barbarian tyrannies, committed by the Emperours souldiers, specially the Casockes and Wallons, in the said countrie. Done out of the Dutch, and printed