The first part of the principles of the art military : practiced in the warres of the United Netherlands, vnder the command of His Highnesse the Prince of Orange our Captaine Generall, for as much as concernes the duties of a souldier, and the officers of a companie of foote, as also of a troupe of horse, and the excerising of them through their severall motions : represented by figure, the word of commaund and demonstration / composed by Captaine Henry Hexham, Quartermaster to the Honourable Colonell Goring

The first part of the principles of the art military : practiced in the warres of the United Netherlands, vnder the command of His Highnesse the Prince of Orange our Captaine Generall, for as much as concernes the duties of a souldier, and the officers of a companie of foote, as also of a troupe of horse, and the excerising of them through their severall motions : represented by figure, the word of commaund and demonstration / composed by Captaine Henry Hexham, Quartermaster to the Honourable Colonell Goring