Wegen van Werner Mantz : 45 foto's van provinciale wegen in Limburg, 1938-1939 = Roads by Werner Mantz : 45 photographs of provincial roads in Limburg, 1938-1939 / [foto's/photogr. Werner Mantz] ; [tekst/text] Willem K. Coumans en [samenst. en red./compilation and ed.] William PARS Graatsma ; [Engelse vert./English by Frans T. Stoks]

Wegen van Werner Mantz : 45 foto's van provinciale wegen in Limburg, 1938-1939 = Roads by Werner Mantz : 45 photographs of provincial roads in Limburg, 1938-1939 / [foto's/photogr. Werner Mantz] ; [tekst/text] Willem K. Coumans en [samenst. en red./compilation and ed.] William PARS Graatsma ; [Engelse vert./English by Frans T. Stoks]