Two treatises, the one medical, of the gout, and its nature more narrowly search'd into than hitherto; together with a new way of discharging the same / By Herman Busschof Senior, of Utrecht, residing at Batavia in the East-Indies, in the service of the Dutch East-India Company $ The other partly chirurgical, partly medical; containing some observations and practices relating both to some extraordinary cases of women in travel; and to some other uncommon cases of diseases in both sexes. / By Henry van Roonhuyse, physitian in ordinary at Amsterdam. ; Englished out of Dutch by a careful hand

Two treatises, the one medical, of the gout, and its nature more narrowly search'd into than hitherto; together with a new way of discharging the same / By Herman Busschof Senior, of Utrecht, residing at Batavia in the East-Indies, in the service of the Dutch East-India Company $ The other partly chirurgical, partly medical; containing some observations and practices relating both to some extraordinary cases of women in travel; and to some other uncommon cases of diseases in both sexes. / By Henry van Roonhuyse, physitian in ordinary at Amsterdam. ; Englished out of Dutch by a careful hand