Halverhout en Zwart's guide to the harbour of Ymuiden and the North Sea Canal for ... : containing the time of high and lowwater for everyday of the year, the rising, setting and phases of the moon with drawings of the signals indicating the draught of water on the shallowest point within the harbor and of the distance signals, the tariffs of canals & harbordues, pilotage, towing service etc., etc / edited by Halverhout & Zwart's Scheepsagentuur

Halverhout en Zwart's guide to the harbour of Ymuiden and the North Sea Canal for ... : containing the time of high and lowwater for everyday of the year, the rising, setting and phases of the moon with drawings of the signals indicating the draught of water on the shallowest point within the harbor and of the distance signals, the tariffs of canals & harbordues, pilotage, towing service etc., etc / edited by Halverhout & Zwart's Scheepsagentuur