Evelina Werthauer goes to France

She made the trip accompanied by Dutch film producer Hans Boekman, brother of the Amsterdam alderman.[1] The film was a Dutch parallel production to the French version 'L'homme sans coeur'. The main roles were played by Lily Bouwmeester, Ank van der Moer and Elias van Praag, among others.[2] Several newspapers paid attention to the departure on their photo pages. Footnotes ^ "Jeugdige filmsterren", De Avondpost, 4 september 1936 (fotopagina). ^ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0288615/?ref_=ttmc_mc_tt (geraadpleegd 21 maart 2022).

Evelina Werthauer goes to France

She made the trip accompanied by Dutch film producer Hans Boekman, brother of the Amsterdam alderman.[1] The film was a Dutch parallel production to the French version 'L'homme sans coeur'. The main roles were played by Lily Bouwmeester, Ank van der Moer and Elias van Praag, among others.[2] Several newspapers paid attention to the departure on their photo pages. Footnotes ^ "Jeugdige filmsterren", De Avondpost, 4 september 1936 (fotopagina). ^ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0288615/?ref_=ttmc_mc_tt (geraadpleegd 21 maart 2022).