Fritz Pfeffer imprisoned in Neuengamme

According to a card Charlotte Kaletta used to request information from the Red Cross on 1 August 1945, Pfeffer left Auschwitz on an Artzet transport on 1 October 1944 .[1] Where she derived this knowledge from is not known. Camp survivor Barend Konijn later told the Red Cross that a special transport of dentists and dental surgeons left Auschwitz for an unkown destination in November '44 .[2] It is not clear to what extent these reports are accurate. At the Auschwitz Archive, they are not aware of any such a transport of dentists and dental surgeons. What is known is that Fritz Pfeffer ended up in Neuengamme. The allocation of prisoner numbers is Neuengamme was done by order of entry. Numbers 64230 and 65105 arrived on 10 and 18 November 1944 respectively.[3] Pfeffer's prisoner number in Neuengamme was 64971, showing that this was the time period in which he arrived. Among those who also arrived during this period were at least seven doctors and dentists. These were given the numbers 64969, 64970, 64976, 64977, 64986, 64993 and 64995.[4] Nothing else is known about Pfeffer in Neuengamme, except that he died there on 20 December 1944 . The place of death on the death certificate reads: Hausdeich 60 in Hamburg-Neuengamme, 16 February 1945. The death certificate states Hausdeich 60 in Hamburg-Neuengamme as the address of death.[5] Footnotes ^ De kaart staat afgebeeld in de museumcatalogus van het Anne Frank Huis. Anne Frank Stichting (samenst. en red.), Anne Frank Huis: een museum met een verhaal, Amsterdam: Anne Frank Stichting, 1999, p. 202. ^ Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis (NRK), Den Haag, Collectie Westerbork en de reconstructie van de lotgevallen na WOII, 1939-2007: 1293, Barend Konijn. ^ Bundesarchiv Berlin, Archief WVHA (SS-Wirtschaftsverwaltungs Hauptamt), signatuur NS 3/1577: Gevangenkaarten 64230 en 65105. ^ Zie (geraadpleegd 12 maart 2020). ^ Standesamt Hamburg-Neuengamme: Afschrift overlijdensakte (Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collecite, reg. code A_Pfeffer_I_016).

Fritz Pfeffer imprisoned in Neuengamme

According to a card Charlotte Kaletta used to request information from the Red Cross on 1 August 1945, Pfeffer left Auschwitz on an Artzet transport on 1 October 1944 .[1] Where she derived this knowledge from is not known. Camp survivor Barend Konijn later told the Red Cross that a special transport of dentists and dental surgeons left Auschwitz for an unkown destination in November '44 .[2] It is not clear to what extent these reports are accurate. At the Auschwitz Archive, they are not aware of any such a transport of dentists and dental surgeons. What is known is that Fritz Pfeffer ended up in Neuengamme. The allocation of prisoner numbers is Neuengamme was done by order of entry. Numbers 64230 and 65105 arrived on 10 and 18 November 1944 respectively.[3] Pfeffer's prisoner number in Neuengamme was 64971, showing that this was the time period in which he arrived. Among those who also arrived during this period were at least seven doctors and dentists. These were given the numbers 64969, 64970, 64976, 64977, 64986, 64993 and 64995.[4] Nothing else is known about Pfeffer in Neuengamme, except that he died there on 20 December 1944 . The place of death on the death certificate reads: Hausdeich 60 in Hamburg-Neuengamme, 16 February 1945. The death certificate states Hausdeich 60 in Hamburg-Neuengamme as the address of death.[5] Footnotes ^ De kaart staat afgebeeld in de museumcatalogus van het Anne Frank Huis. Anne Frank Stichting (samenst. en red.), Anne Frank Huis: een museum met een verhaal, Amsterdam: Anne Frank Stichting, 1999, p. 202. ^ Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis (NRK), Den Haag, Collectie Westerbork en de reconstructie van de lotgevallen na WOII, 1939-2007: 1293, Barend Konijn. ^ Bundesarchiv Berlin, Archief WVHA (SS-Wirtschaftsverwaltungs Hauptamt), signatuur NS 3/1577: Gevangenkaarten 64230 en 65105. ^ Zie (geraadpleegd 12 maart 2020). ^ Standesamt Hamburg-Neuengamme: Afschrift overlijdensakte (Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collecite, reg. code A_Pfeffer_I_016).