Victor Kugler moves from Hohenelbe to Duisburg and back

Not much is known about Victor Kugler's Austrian and German addresses. However, some information can be gleaned from various sources. Kugler's birthplace Hohenelbe is located in the Czech Republic. The area where it is located was part of Austria-Hungary until 1918. Its current name is Vrchlabí.[1] The birthplace had the address Hohenelbe 119.[2] Around 1909-1910, Emilie Kugler, Victor's mother, married Franz Klose. The couple moved to the surroundings of Duisburg. The exact date is not known, but their first child Rudolf was born on 18 December 1910 in Duisburg-Hamborn.[3] Victor Kugler's school reports confirm this move. In 1910, according to his last school report, Kugler left Hohenelbe for Beeck.[4] Franz Klose lived in 1910 at the address Eduardstraße 27a, Hamborn.[5] This street was about halfway between Beeck and Hamborn. In 1912 he lived at: Alsumer Straße 205, Hamborn.[5] And in 1914 at: Hubertusstrasse 21, Laar, Duisburg.[5] Victor Kugler returned to Hohenelbe between 27 March 1914 and 16 September 1914.[6] It is not known where exactly he lived during that time. In 1914-1916 he was in Hohenelbe in connection with the textile vocational school. That was before his military service. From 15 July 1918 to 20 July 1920, Victor Kugler worked at Schachtanlage Scholven in Gladbeck. Franz Klose's family lived at that time in Gladbeck, at Bohnenkampstrasse 49.​​​​​​​[7] It is not known whether Kugler lived there. Footnotes ^ Zie verder:í. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), reg. code A_Kugler_I_026: Geburts- und Taufschein Viktor Kugler, 12 mei 1928. ^ Stadtarchiv Gladbeck, Hausstandsbuch Tunnelstrasse 12. ^ Het schoolhoofd noteerde dat Kugler per 30 januari naar Beeck vertrok. AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_006: Schoolrapport van Victor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1909/10. Beeck is een voorstad van Duisburg en ligt vlak bij Hamborn. a, b, c AFS, Getuigenarchief, Kugler: L. Horstkötter aan Stefan Rotter (Anne Frank Stichting), 28 december 1999. Horstkötter deed op verzoek onderzoek naar de naam Franz Klose in adresboeken van Duisburg en Hamborn. Hamborn ging in 1929 in Duisburg op. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_013: Entlassungszeugnis voor Victor Kugler, Katholische Schule in Duisburg, 28 maart 1914; AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_014: Halbjahrszeugnis van de K.K. Fachschule für Weberei te Hohenelbe. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_019: Victor Kugler aan  Franz Klose, 16 februari 1918.

Victor Kugler moves from Hohenelbe to Duisburg and back

Not much is known about Victor Kugler's Austrian and German addresses. However, some information can be gleaned from various sources. Kugler's birthplace Hohenelbe is located in the Czech Republic. The area where it is located was part of Austria-Hungary until 1918. Its current name is Vrchlabí.[1] The birthplace had the address Hohenelbe 119.[2] Around 1909-1910, Emilie Kugler, Victor's mother, married Franz Klose. The couple moved to the surroundings of Duisburg. The exact date is not known, but their first child Rudolf was born on 18 December 1910 in Duisburg-Hamborn.[3] Victor Kugler's school reports confirm this move. In 1910, according to his last school report, Kugler left Hohenelbe for Beeck.[4] Franz Klose lived in 1910 at the address Eduardstraße 27a, Hamborn.[5] This street was about halfway between Beeck and Hamborn. In 1912 he lived at: Alsumer Straße 205, Hamborn.[5] And in 1914 at: Hubertusstrasse 21, Laar, Duisburg.[5] Victor Kugler returned to Hohenelbe between 27 March 1914 and 16 September 1914.[6] It is not known where exactly he lived during that time. In 1914-1916 he was in Hohenelbe in connection with the textile vocational school. That was before his military service. From 15 July 1918 to 20 July 1920, Victor Kugler worked at Schachtanlage Scholven in Gladbeck. Franz Klose's family lived at that time in Gladbeck, at Bohnenkampstrasse 49.​​​​​​​[7] It is not known whether Kugler lived there. Footnotes ^ Zie verder:í. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), reg. code A_Kugler_I_026: Geburts- und Taufschein Viktor Kugler, 12 mei 1928. ^ Stadtarchiv Gladbeck, Hausstandsbuch Tunnelstrasse 12. ^ Het schoolhoofd noteerde dat Kugler per 30 januari naar Beeck vertrok. AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_006: Schoolrapport van Victor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1909/10. Beeck is een voorstad van Duisburg en ligt vlak bij Hamborn. a, b, c AFS, Getuigenarchief, Kugler: L. Horstkötter aan Stefan Rotter (Anne Frank Stichting), 28 december 1999. Horstkötter deed op verzoek onderzoek naar de naam Franz Klose in adresboeken van Duisburg en Hamborn. Hamborn ging in 1929 in Duisburg op. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_013: Entlassungszeugnis voor Victor Kugler, Katholische Schule in Duisburg, 28 maart 1914; AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_014: Halbjahrszeugnis van de K.K. Fachschule für Weberei te Hohenelbe. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_019: Victor Kugler aan  Franz Klose, 16 februari 1918.