Miep Gies's last addresses

After Otto Frank's departure, the house on Jekerstraat was too big for a family with one child, so Miep and Jan Gies had to move. Their next address was Woestduinstraat 86 I. Jan Gies applied for a residential permit for the house on 5 November 1952. This was issued on 18 May 1953.[1] The entry in the Population Register was dated 24 June 1953.[2] The lease took effect on 1 August 1953. The rent was NLG 34.15 per month.[1] It was a small house. Miep said in an interview with Dienke Hondius that they had had to accept it out of necessity.[3] After Jan died in 1993, Miep became lonely. She applied for sheltered accommodation near her son Paul, but because of her good mental and physical condition, she did not qualify for it. She then bought a three-room flat with a garden in that neighbourhood.[4] After suffering a brain haemorrhage, Miep moved to Hoorn. She still lived here independently. Grote Beer 8 was her last address.[5] As a result of an accident, she was in the Westfries Gasthuis in Hoorn from 17 December 2009 . She was transferred to a nursing home in early January 2010 . Her head was fixed in a scaffold.[6] She died on 11 January 2010 in Hoorn at the age of 100 at the residential care centre 'De Watermolen', Wipmolenstraat 10 in Abbekerk.[7] Footnotes a, b Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie, reg. code A_Gies_I_007: Huurcontract en woonvergunning Jan en Miep Gies van het pand Woestduinstraat 86/1 in Amsterdam (kopie). ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Diest Bevolkingsregister, Persoonskaarten (toegangsnummer 30408): Persoonskaart H. Santrouschitz. De einddatum van de inschrijving staat hier niet op omdat de Bevolkingsregisters inmiddels op digitale systemen zijn overgestapt. ^ AFS, Getuigenarchief, Santrouschitz: Transcriptie interview Dienke Hondius, 1989, p. 5-6.  ^ AFS-Bulletin, 5 juli 2000. ^ AFS, Mondelinge mededeling van Teresien da Silva, 27 juli 2010. ^ E-mail Paul Gies aan Teresien da Silva, 2 januari 2010. ^ E-mail Teresien da Silva, 27 september 2010.

Miep Gies's last addresses

After Otto Frank's departure, the house on Jekerstraat was too big for a family with one child, so Miep and Jan Gies had to move. Their next address was Woestduinstraat 86 I. Jan Gies applied for a residential permit for the house on 5 November 1952. This was issued on 18 May 1953.[1] The entry in the Population Register was dated 24 June 1953.[2] The lease took effect on 1 August 1953. The rent was NLG 34.15 per month.[1] It was a small house. Miep said in an interview with Dienke Hondius that they had had to accept it out of necessity.[3] After Jan died in 1993, Miep became lonely. She applied for sheltered accommodation near her son Paul, but because of her good mental and physical condition, she did not qualify for it. She then bought a three-room flat with a garden in that neighbourhood.[4] After suffering a brain haemorrhage, Miep moved to Hoorn. She still lived here independently. Grote Beer 8 was her last address.[5] As a result of an accident, she was in the Westfries Gasthuis in Hoorn from 17 December 2009 . She was transferred to a nursing home in early January 2010 . Her head was fixed in a scaffold.[6] She died on 11 January 2010 in Hoorn at the age of 100 at the residential care centre 'De Watermolen', Wipmolenstraat 10 in Abbekerk.[7] Footnotes a, b Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie, reg. code A_Gies_I_007: Huurcontract en woonvergunning Jan en Miep Gies van het pand Woestduinstraat 86/1 in Amsterdam (kopie). ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Diest Bevolkingsregister, Persoonskaarten (toegangsnummer 30408): Persoonskaart H. Santrouschitz. De einddatum van de inschrijving staat hier niet op omdat de Bevolkingsregisters inmiddels op digitale systemen zijn overgestapt. ^ AFS, Getuigenarchief, Santrouschitz: Transcriptie interview Dienke Hondius, 1989, p. 5-6.  ^ AFS-Bulletin, 5 juli 2000. ^ AFS, Mondelinge mededeling van Teresien da Silva, 27 juli 2010. ^ E-mail Paul Gies aan Teresien da Silva, 2 januari 2010. ^ E-mail Teresien da Silva, 27 september 2010.