Otto Frank moves to Zwitserland

Otto Frank said in an interview in 1977 that he had spent a lot of time at Prinsengracht 263 due to the rebuilding of his business and public interest after publication of the diary. Eventually, all this became too much for him and he made the decision to move to Basel. There he went to live with his sister Helene Elias-Frank and her family.[1] His mother, his brother Herbert and Helene's mother-in-law Ida Elias-Neu also lived at this address.[2] According to his diaries, Otto Frank regularly travelled back and forth between Amsterdam and Basel.[3] According to the Amsterdam Population Register, he moved to Basel on 20 August 1952.[4] Because he settled in Switzerland as a Dutchman, he reported to the police and the Dutch consulate in Basel on 8 September.[5] His 1953 diary first listed Herbstgasse 11 as his address. It remained so until 1961.[6] Otto Frank and Fritzi Markowitz, whom he had now married, moved from Herbstgasse in Basel to Buchenstrasse in Birsfelden in 1961.[7] In his 1962 diary, Otto noted the address Buchenstrasse 6.[8] In Otto's diary of 1965, the address Buchenstrasse 12 is recorded for the first time.[9] Nothing indicates a move within the same street. It is assumed for now that the municipality of Basel renumbered the street in the intervening years. Otto Frank continued to live at this address until his death on 19 August 1980. Footnotes ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFS), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_211: Interview met Otto Frank, afgenomen door Arthur Unger (1978) (transcriptie p. 63-64). ^ AFS, AFC, OFA: brief Otto Frank aan Miss Zimmerman, 22 juli 1952; Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds (AFF). Bazel, Erich Elias, AFF_ErE_odoc 11: Verklaring van vreemdelingen politie over Ida Elias-Neu, 28 oktober 1940; ibidem: Bedankkaart n.a.v. overlijden Ida Elias-Neu, Bazel, November 1957. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_009: Agenda 1952, 19-22 juli, 6-13 september. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam, DIenst Bevolkingsreister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart Otto Frank. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_009: Agenda 1952. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_010 t/m 018: Agenda's 1953-1961. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_211: Interview met Otto Frank, afgenomen door Arthur Unger (1978) (transcriptie p. 65). ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_019: Persoonlijk memorandum agenda 1962. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_022: Persoonlijk memorandum agenda 1965.  

Otto Frank moves to Zwitserland

Otto Frank said in an interview in 1977 that he had spent a lot of time at Prinsengracht 263 due to the rebuilding of his business and public interest after publication of the diary. Eventually, all this became too much for him and he made the decision to move to Basel. There he went to live with his sister Helene Elias-Frank and her family.[1] His mother, his brother Herbert and Helene's mother-in-law Ida Elias-Neu also lived at this address.[2] According to his diaries, Otto Frank regularly travelled back and forth between Amsterdam and Basel.[3] According to the Amsterdam Population Register, he moved to Basel on 20 August 1952.[4] Because he settled in Switzerland as a Dutchman, he reported to the police and the Dutch consulate in Basel on 8 September.[5] His 1953 diary first listed Herbstgasse 11 as his address. It remained so until 1961.[6] Otto Frank and Fritzi Markowitz, whom he had now married, moved from Herbstgasse in Basel to Buchenstrasse in Birsfelden in 1961.[7] In his 1962 diary, Otto noted the address Buchenstrasse 6.[8] In Otto's diary of 1965, the address Buchenstrasse 12 is recorded for the first time.[9] Nothing indicates a move within the same street. It is assumed for now that the municipality of Basel renumbered the street in the intervening years. Otto Frank continued to live at this address until his death on 19 August 1980. Footnotes ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFS), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_211: Interview met Otto Frank, afgenomen door Arthur Unger (1978) (transcriptie p. 63-64). ^ AFS, AFC, OFA: brief Otto Frank aan Miss Zimmerman, 22 juli 1952; Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds (AFF). Bazel, Erich Elias, AFF_ErE_odoc 11: Verklaring van vreemdelingen politie over Ida Elias-Neu, 28 oktober 1940; ibidem: Bedankkaart n.a.v. overlijden Ida Elias-Neu, Bazel, November 1957. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_009: Agenda 1952, 19-22 juli, 6-13 september. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam, DIenst Bevolkingsreister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart Otto Frank. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_009: Agenda 1952. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_010 t/m 018: Agenda's 1953-1961. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_211: Interview met Otto Frank, afgenomen door Arthur Unger (1978) (transcriptie p. 65). ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_019: Persoonlijk memorandum agenda 1962. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_022: Persoonlijk memorandum agenda 1965.