Victor Kugler at the Allgemeine Volks- und Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe

From 15 September 1906 Victor Kugler attended the Allgemeine Volks- und Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe. In the school year 1906-1907, Kugler took the subjects reading, Gedankenausdruck, arithmetic, singing, and gymnastics. Furthermore, he was evaluated on behaviour and diligence. His results were very good to excellent. In the second quarter he was absent for four half-days 'entschuldigt'. His mother Emma Kugler signed the report as seen.[1] On 15 September 1907, the school year 1907-1908 began. The subjects were religion, reading, grammar and spelling, arithmetic and geometry, drawing, singing, and gymnastics. His results were satisfactory to very good. Behaviour was 'praiseworthy'; diligence 'satisfactory'. In the first quarter he missed half a day 'entschuldigt', in the second quarter two half days. Emma Kugler signed the report.[2] On 15 September 1908, the school year 1908-1909 began with the same subjects as the year before, with the addition of writing, written expression skills, natural history, geography, and history. The results were again satisfactory to very good. In the third quarter he was absent for three half-days, in the fourth quarter half a day. Emma Kugler signed the report.[3] In the school year 1909-1910, the school changed its name and was renamed the '4-Klassige gemischte Kaiser Franz Josef I Jubiläums-Volksschule'. On 23 December 1909, he received his last report card from this school. The subjects were the same as the year before; the results were still satisfactory to very good. Emma Kugler signed the report. The headmaster noted that Kugler left for Beeck (near Duisburg) on 30 January 1910.[4] Footnotes ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), reg. code A_Kugler_I_003: Schoolrapport van Viktor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1906-1907 ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_004: Schoolrapport van Viktor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1907-1908. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_005: Schoolrapport van Viktor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1908-1909. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_006: Schoolrapport van Viktor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1909-1910. Mogelijk is het een heel andere school. Een naamsverandering is echter waarschijnlijker. In 1908 vierde de Oostenrijkse keizer zijn 60-jarig jubileum. Bij die gelegenheid kregen verschillende scholen zijn naam.

Victor Kugler at the Allgemeine Volks- und Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe

From 15 September 1906 Victor Kugler attended the Allgemeine Volks- und Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe. In the school year 1906-1907, Kugler took the subjects reading, Gedankenausdruck, arithmetic, singing, and gymnastics. Furthermore, he was evaluated on behaviour and diligence. His results were very good to excellent. In the second quarter he was absent for four half-days 'entschuldigt'. His mother Emma Kugler signed the report as seen.[1] On 15 September 1907, the school year 1907-1908 began. The subjects were religion, reading, grammar and spelling, arithmetic and geometry, drawing, singing, and gymnastics. His results were satisfactory to very good. Behaviour was 'praiseworthy'; diligence 'satisfactory'. In the first quarter he missed half a day 'entschuldigt', in the second quarter two half days. Emma Kugler signed the report.[2] On 15 September 1908, the school year 1908-1909 began with the same subjects as the year before, with the addition of writing, written expression skills, natural history, geography, and history. The results were again satisfactory to very good. In the third quarter he was absent for three half-days, in the fourth quarter half a day. Emma Kugler signed the report.[3] In the school year 1909-1910, the school changed its name and was renamed the '4-Klassige gemischte Kaiser Franz Josef I Jubiläums-Volksschule'. On 23 December 1909, he received his last report card from this school. The subjects were the same as the year before; the results were still satisfactory to very good. Emma Kugler signed the report. The headmaster noted that Kugler left for Beeck (near Duisburg) on 30 January 1910.[4] Footnotes ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), reg. code A_Kugler_I_003: Schoolrapport van Viktor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1906-1907 ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_004: Schoolrapport van Viktor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1907-1908. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_005: Schoolrapport van Viktor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1908-1909. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_006: Schoolrapport van Viktor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- un Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1909-1910. Mogelijk is het een heel andere school. Een naamsverandering is echter waarschijnlijker. In 1908 vierde de Oostenrijkse keizer zijn 60-jarig jubileum. Bij die gelegenheid kregen verschillende scholen zijn naam.