Victor Kugler in hiding at home

According to Victor Kugler, he arrived back home in Hilversum after his escape near Zevenaar on Good Friday, 30 March 1945. He kept himself hidden there until the liberation.[1] He recounted: 'The next day I started setting up a hiding place for us. If the Germans came by to arrest me, I wanted to prevent them from finding me at all costs. But my preparations were unnecessary, because four weeks later the German army leadership capitulated.’[2]   Footnotes ^ Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis (NRK), Den Haag, dossier 97791: Aanvraagformulier A, Centraal Afwikkelbureau Duitse Schadeuitkeringen, ingevuld door Kugler en gestempeld 3 september 1963. ^ Orginieel: ‘The next day I started to prepare a hiding place in my house for myself and my wife. Should the Germans come to take me back, I was determined that they would not find me. However, my preparations proved unnecessary because four weeks later, the German troops (…) surrendered.’ Citaat uit: Eda Shapiro en Rick Kardonne (ed.), Victor Kugler: the man who hid Anne Frank, Jerusalem: Gefen, 2008, p.78.

Victor Kugler in hiding at home

According to Victor Kugler, he arrived back home in Hilversum after his escape near Zevenaar on Good Friday, 30 March 1945. He kept himself hidden there until the liberation.[1] He recounted: 'The next day I started setting up a hiding place for us. If the Germans came by to arrest me, I wanted to prevent them from finding me at all costs. But my preparations were unnecessary, because four weeks later the German army leadership capitulated.’[2]   Footnotes ^ Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis (NRK), Den Haag, dossier 97791: Aanvraagformulier A, Centraal Afwikkelbureau Duitse Schadeuitkeringen, ingevuld door Kugler en gestempeld 3 september 1963. ^ Orginieel: ‘The next day I started to prepare a hiding place in my house for myself and my wife. Should the Germans come to take me back, I was determined that they would not find me. However, my preparations proved unnecessary because four weeks later, the German troops (…) surrendered.’ Citaat uit: Eda Shapiro en Rick Kardonne (ed.), Victor Kugler: the man who hid Anne Frank, Jerusalem: Gefen, 2008, p.78.