Margot leaves the Jüdische Volksschule in Aachen

Before emigrating to Holland, Margot and Anne stayed with their grandmother Holländer in Aachen. For some time Margot attended the 'Isr. Volksch. Aachen'. The address of the Jüdische Volksschule was Bergdriesch 39 and the rector was Fritz Wolf.[1] The school was located about five hundred metres from grandmother Holländer's house at Monheimsallee 42-44. On 22 December the transfer ('Uberweisung') to Amsterdam took place. [2] Footnotes ^ "Jüdische Schule", Wege gegen das Vergessen Aachen 1933-1945, (geraadpleegd 14 juli 2022). ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collectie, reg. code A_MFrank_I_023: Schulzeugnisse für Margot Frank. Het rapport geeft niet aan op welke datum ze hier komt.

Margot leaves the Jüdische Volksschule in Aachen

Before emigrating to Holland, Margot and Anne stayed with their grandmother Holländer in Aachen. For some time Margot attended the 'Isr. Volksch. Aachen'. The address of the Jüdische Volksschule was Bergdriesch 39 and the rector was Fritz Wolf.[1] The school was located about five hundred metres from grandmother Holländer's house at Monheimsallee 42-44. On 22 December the transfer ('Uberweisung') to Amsterdam took place. [2] Footnotes ^ "Jüdische Schule", Wege gegen das Vergessen Aachen 1933-1945, (geraadpleegd 14 juli 2022). ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collectie, reg. code A_MFrank_I_023: Schulzeugnisse für Margot Frank. Het rapport geeft niet aan op welke datum ze hier komt.