Facial casts of Nias islanders

In the early 20th century, the Dutch anthropologist J.P. Kleiweg de Zwaan studied the physical features of human races. On Nias Island in the former Dutch East Indies, he recorded the appearance of a group of living men by making plaster moulds of their faces. The moulds were brought to the Netherlands, where lifelike casts were made of them. For anthropologists, these numbered casts embodied the ethnic diversity of Nias islanders.

Facial casts of Nias islanders

In the early 20th century, the Dutch anthropologist J.P. Kleiweg de Zwaan studied the physical features of human races. On Nias Island in the former Dutch East Indies, he recorded the appearance of a group of living men by making plaster moulds of their faces. The moulds were brought to the Netherlands, where lifelike casts were made of them. For anthropologists, these numbered casts embodied the ethnic diversity of Nias islanders.