The Famished People after the Relief of the Siege of Leiden

When a city is surrounded by enemies, its people find themselves in a tight corner. Food is scarce and disease easily breaks out. Reasons enough for Leiden to almost surrender in 1574. But the city is liberated by the Rebel army, the relief comes in the nick of time. Swarms of famished and exhausted people await their liberators. The soldiers have brought food with them, mostly herring and white bread.

The Famished People after the Relief of the Siege of Leiden

When a city is surrounded by enemies, its people find themselves in a tight corner. Food is scarce and disease easily breaks out. Reasons enough for Leiden to almost surrender in 1574. But the city is liberated by the Rebel army, the relief comes in the nick of time. Swarms of famished and exhausted people await their liberators. The soldiers have brought food with them, mostly herring and white bread.